It's Saturday 11:04 am and I feel surprisingly coherent after spending a night out with Brett. Yesterday morning everything was terrible and today - 180 degrees my friends. Why you ask? Two magnificent words - Space Heater.
Explanation: Okay so I live in loft ( a REAL loft, not a chi chi one) on the top floor... we are talking concrete and exposed bricks. It makes for a living space with real character, but the unfortunate side effect is little to no insulation. Translation: When the weather turned chilly this week I became dead-like. At first to combat this - I bundled. This is a hard thing for me to do, I loathe having to wear more than skimpy underwear in my own dwellings. Baggy hoodies, jogging pants, that sort of thing. Needless to say this would not do. I will be semi-nude in my own home regardless of the weather damn it! I don't care how much energy I have to waste - to hell with you Mr. Suzuki.
So I went on Craigslist (this site is magic, provides endless hours of amusement for me) and found myself a space heater for 30 bucks (brand new!). After, I went to meet the man in a sketchy part of Toronto (Big ups Allan Gardens), he told me the heater was in his car in an underground parking garage. My spidey-sense was on the fritz so I went along. When he opened the trunk there were three things in it - my space heater, a crow bar, and a bag of red onions. So I gave him the 30 for the heater and traded a little quick s*x for the onions - what! a boys gotta eat!
Which brings me back to my beginning... It's like Jamaica in here.
Last night I went over to Brett and Williams place with a giant bottle of cheap wine (I'm not really the type to drink for taste... and if I do... it's Tang), a pack of smokes, and my freakum threads. When I got there, Brett was drinking as per usual, and William was baking up a vegan storm - two layer lemon pumpkin cheesecake - because he had entered the vegan bake-off (happening TODAY at harourfront ... 4pm-7pm... 2 bucks gets u all the samples you want!). Drink Drink Drink, smoke smoke smoke... Good Handy's.
So in an attempt to spite Big Primpin (gay hip hop party) for being so west-endy, we decided to go to the 'Dirty Sexy Party' at Good Handy's (Toronto's Pansexual playground... this is the actual tagline). This event is really an excuse to ogle pornstars... they fly one in from somewhere (usually the US) and that person does everything on stage shy of going all the way, and then moves to a private party upstairs where he does in fact go all the way in front of a select group (and yes... I am cool enough to be invited apparently). Everyone gets hot and bothered and you eventually end up going home with someone and regretting it. I left with someone... Brett. Except we went to Fran's Diner where I consumed my weight in Hollandaise sauce.
Overall the night was 80% dirty, 10% sexy, with the remaining 10% being mostly made up of mystery meat.
Today/Tonight - Vegan Bake-off and Nuit Blanche!
Hey, you could also weatherstrip your windows, which might be kind of a bitch if they're super big loft windows... but that will seal the heat in when it actually gets cold.
ReplyDeleteEither that or get really heavy curtains, but then you'll lose out on the view.