So I know I usually write about things that don't matter much to most people; however, this post is about something truly important... Climate Change. Why am I writing about this here you ask? Well, on October 15th 2009 it was International Blogfest day (or some sh*t like that)... a kind of holiday for bloggers around the world... where we all post about one subject. This year that subject was climate change. I would not have had to do this if everyone who visited my page (there were over 100 of you yesterday) would start FOLLOWING my blog. I know who you are, I SEE your IP addresses. Follow it... or the next 'What I think of you' post will be about YOU.
Anyway - this is a shameless attempt to get my blog out there.
Climate Change... is something I can actually write about - believe it or not I work with the energy and resources industries quite closely and it has been an issue within that sector since I started dealing with them, and continues to be.
The Climate Change initiatives biggest enemy is not carbon - but money. Industry is generally a bit slow to comply with ever-changing Air Emissions Standards. I'm not going to do an in-depth analysis of the economic implications of these policies on this blog; however, these are multi-million/billion dollar changes to existing infrastructure in certain cases. Pricey, huh?
'Oh but it's worth it to save the planet?!' I agree. Please believe me I agree (except that I live in Canada and the idea of not trudging to work in boots come December with inevitably soaked bottom half of pants, and messed up hair from your toque... is well, kind of dreamy). But you need to understand the way these companies work. They DO make unbelievable amounts of money (well, the bigger ones at least... there are plenty of smaller oil & gas and mining outfits that struggle), but they are in fact private corporations. They have as much a right to profit as your local mechanic or grocer - as long as it is within the framework of our country's energy/resources regulatory body.
Which brings me to my point. Private energy and resource companies are demonized on a regular basis for environmental impacts, abusing First Nations traditional land, and creating eyesores by the communities around their projects. Should they be blamed? Yes and no... but more no. It is OUR government that continues to let these things happen. Why? Money, Money, Money. Any mass change needs to start in Parliament. You cannot expect industry to comply with anything but the minimum requirements, just hope.
So yay for renewables (which Ontario is currently doing a wonderful job of promoting I might add... Big ups to the Aborginal Loan Guarantee program! What What!), and yay for clean coal, and yay for Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Heart... together they become Captain Planet... he's our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero. But the unfortunate truth is that Fossil Fuel energy is here for a while.
Now pass me a can of hairspray to unload and a bottle of tanning oil (totally kidding... err).
Check it:
Follow me on twitter - @MaliciousMike81
I'm giving this to my grade 10 science students for reading material. You are Al Gore, except hot.