Well well... Currently it is 11:59pm on Septemeber 16, 2009... and I am about to begin my very first Blog. Hmmm.... It's now midnight on September 17, 2009. Which date deserves to be the official beginning of the awesomeness that is Malicious M's blog... I know how to decide this.... fight to the death. Choose your weapons! Ahh.... September 16th, a broadsword - how dungeons and dragons... 17th, you have chosen to wield a flamethrower - retro.
As these respective dates duke it out, let me forewarn any reader that this 'project' has been spurred by complete boredom. This script has no meaning. I have just finished listening to chapter 3 of an audio book centered around the life and times of a Dragon (I capitalize Dragon cause they are both to be feared and revered) and the human that rides on the back of it. I'm hip. Directly following this ridiculous post, I will watch the finale of True Blood season 2... a show about vampires... and sex... and sexy vampires. Directly after that I will fiercely masterb... I will go to bed.
As I write this I have a gay chat line going on in the background - this is done in an attempt to passively accomplish meeting that special someone. Currently my message box contains 3 mails.
Mail 1 - Caucasian male... 55 years old... Re: Do you like older men?
ANSWER: I like older men... 55 is kinda hot. Do you have a pic? No? Well do you look like Jorge Clooney?
No Response.
Mail 2 - Middle Eastern male... 35 years old... Re: Hey hottie;)
ANSWER: Ignore (this was done b/c whenever I get a private msg from a Middle Eastern male I have this irrational fear that they are related to me... I also have this same fear when travelling in a taxi while intoxicated... which is whenever I am in a taxi)
Mail 3 - Caucasian male... 23 years old... Re: How's it going?
ANSWER: Great thanks! What's up?
Response: Me;)
My romantic future is bleak.
I guess the danger in starting a blog is that one day you might have nothing to write about. This probably isn't a fear for people who have deep and meaningful lives, or who are constantly challenging themselves with new adventures... or you know, people who have their dose of daily social interaction. But for me... the fear is legitimate. See... I have friends, and I love them (they are reading this); however, sometimes I get in these hermit moods. During these times I prefer the company of the world wide web, or the internet, or both... I hear they are similar, I dunno... the extent of my computer savvy is reserved for search engines, facebook, and por... wikipedia.
Ooooooh! Another message!
Caucasian Male... 38 years old... Re: whrere u goign to the barn? (I have no patience for sloppy keyboarding)
Answer: No.
Response: Why? u can fu*k me in the dark room, lol
(somehow I feel that despite the 'lol', he is not kidding)
Answer: it's too late now (I don't wanna offend him, he could be Mr. Right!!!)
As I recover from that brush with destiny, I must explain that I am not desperate, or ugly, or even without my charms. Just lazy in love. It's just not that important to me. I DO have love in my life... I love my mom. I love my friends. I love my cat. I love eating an entire box of cookies while playing 3 hours of final fantasy (in my defense it felt like 10 mins... and Japanese people design these games so they are addictive... and time flies when you're having a SUPAH FUN TIME!). Marriage and babies though... more like Shmarriage and Rabies! haha. Actually, I take that back. Rabies is a serious affliction and should not be taken lightly. Enough, I tire of this and Sookie Stackhouse and her vamp buds await my return.
Until Next time!
Hey Mike ... I definitely "love you" ... great start, your blog ... add some pics ... there will definitely be more than 3 emails in your box :-))
ReplyDeleteTake care,
hahahhahaha this is a definite follower. love!
ReplyDeletewelcome! woooooooooo!