Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Life Episode II - Weird Scions

Friday - I woke up early on Friday morning with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement... Today we were taking my cousin to Wonderland (for those of you reading that are not from this country - and there people [I check the hits by geography... 6 countries so far!] - Wonderland is a theme park with roller coasters). After driving the 40 minutes to Vaughan... we found out that the park was now only open on weekends. So we turned around and headed downtown.

Where do you take a foreigner when they come to Toronto you ask? The CN Tower of course! This would also be MY first time up the tower... and I have lived in or around Toronto for my whole life. Just as I had thought... not worth it. I didn't think it wasn't worth it b/c I have some kind of hate on for my city... I love T.O. I even get defensive when people bash it. I feel the same way about the CN as I do about the Eiffel. I've now been up both and I can tell you. Save your money... go drinking one more night instead. You DO NOT stay up either for longer than 10 mins - and in the CN towers case that is about as long as you wait to get up... after you drop 30+ bucks. The wait time for the Eiffel is roughly 2 hours to get to the top. By the time you reach it you are so cold/tired of standing that you come right back down - which is also about an hour wait.

After we get home I leave my siblings and cousin for a nap while they take a hop on hop off tour of Toronto (I figure I live in the city... this would be a waste). Naps are god's gift to us - I could nap everyday... three times. Post naptastic time - I get ready and we all go to Levack Block where we dance to old school hip hop and my jacket gets stolen. I thought the west end was safer cause of all the 'Artsy' types. Hipsters are posers. I'll take a business suit over skinny jeans wide frame glasses and a patchy beard any day.

Doesn't matter I was too drunk to care. Tomorrow is the biggie though... this shi**y post is worth the lead up trust me.

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